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The Beauty of Expression

Ying Kong
May 11, 2020

As a Chinese immigrant to Canada, I am always aware of the cultural differences between new immigrants and local residents, and of the cultural shocks to both Canadians and Chinese in various situations. Working as a cultural ambassador, I travel and teach in universities both in China and Canada. This opportunity has offered me an insight into the cultural differences and similarities between the cultures. I started to integrate my own experiences of being exposed to both cultures in my writing, and have thus produced a short story collection, Lotus Seeds—Flavours for A New Land.
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Maša Torbica
February 14, 2020

As an emerging writer, I am very grateful to have this opportunity to receive editorial feedback and professional advice. I am particularly excited to be working with Sonnet L’Abbé. Sonnet’s approach to ethics and poetics has been a foundational influence for me, so her insights and guidance will be invaluable.
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Tendisai Cromwell
February 13, 2020

With my mentor’s guidance, I’m confident that I’ll emerge from this program with an extraordinary work of fiction. Beyond this, I hope to gain techniques and establish writing rituals that will enable to me to continue to improve as a writer long after the mentorship ends.
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