Chipping Off Chilled Rhymes

Dante Mottillo
August 12, 2013

Roaming Poets: E-reader Journal Seeks Submission
The formalist poetry review The Rotary Dial is accepting submissions for October and beyond. With an allowance of submitting 10 poems per year, they look for works that rhyme but does not contain too many verse. Some styles they accept are blank verse and syllabic verse. They do not accept free verse poetry. Being a mix of Canadian and international poetry, The Rotary Dial contains works that vary in content and emotion. If you’re not enticed already, they publish every month to Kindle with their choice of twelve poems.
Deadline: Open
Guidelines: Click here
Read some of their exquisite works (and they are exquisite) here
Author’s Spotlight: Eva Stachniak—Evergreen Author
Eva Stachniak will be reading from and discussing her book The Winter Palace, which is also on the shortlist for the Ontario Library Association’s Book of the Year. Placing her readers in St. Petersburg, Russia, Stachniak transforms The Winter Palace, the home of the Russian monarchs, into a living and breathing setting. It’s always a pleasure to listen to these established authors share their own insights in their works.
When: August 27; from 7:00 pm—8:00 pm
Where: Runnymede TPL branch: Program Room; 2718 Bloor Street West