Cooling Down a Heated Start

Dante Mottillo
July 8, 2013

“WARNING! HEAT ALERT!” With the cool days seemingly coming to an end, everyone will have to find ways to cool down. Some believe that training the mind can help cool down the body, so let’s train our mind with plenty of writing exercises, contests, and presentations by authors and other professional writers.
Summer Syntax: Use Your Words: Summer Workshops for Emerging Writers
Starting off the summer lineup is Dalton Higgins, author, award-winning journalist, and one of Canada’s foremost experts on hip-hop and digital culture. These workshops are here to help all you writers enhance your creative expression. Regardless of your typical genre, this Summer Syntax series is here to help you cool off from the current heat-wave alerts. This workshop is for ages 16-30, and is for anyone seeking to release yourself into your words.
When: July 13, 2013; 2:00 pm—4:30 pm
Where: Toronto Reference Library TPL branch: Elizabeth Beeton Auditorium; 789 Yonge Street
Registration: Call (416)-397-5970 or contact Ken Sparling
Paid to Print: Winston Collins/Descant Prize
Descant magazine—a quarterly literary journal devoted to poetry, prose, essays, memoirs and art—is offering a prize of $1000 and honorarium, for the Best Canadian Poem. The prize is in memory of writer and teacher of literature, Winston Collins. The poem is to be at most 100 lines with an entry fee of $30 (includes tax & one-year subscription). Use the money to buy some new pens for your summer-scribbling, or a really nice air conditioner. For more information about the contest, please follow the link listed below.
Contest deadline: October 12, 2013
Entry fee: $30 (includes tax and subscription)
For more information: Click here