DD-TD Black Playwrights Mentoring Program presents: La déception m’a ouvert les yeux. February 12, 2:00 PM online presentation

February 4, 2022

La déception m’a ouvert les yeux, a play by Edwige Jean-Pierre , presented by Theatre Passe Muraille.
About the Playwright:
Born and raised in Ottawa, Edwige Jean-Pierre is a bilingual actor and playwright of Haitian and Congolese descent. A graduate of the University of Ottawa and Vancouver’s Studio 58, she is a past member of Obsidian Theatre and Tarragon Theatre’s Playwriting Units as well as Les Héritières de Toto B. (in collaboration with Théâtre français de Toronto).
She first came on to the scene with her solo show Even Darkness is Made of Light (dramaturgy and direction by Patrick Conner) at Buddies. Other plays she has written include Saint Bitch/Our Lady of Spills, SOS/MS/ ASAP, GOIN4BROKE, The Big Mess and Espoir/Espwa (co-written with Les Héritières de Toto B).
Her plays have been presented at many festivals such as Rhubarb Festival, Edgy Women Festival, Hysteria Festival, rock.paper.sistahz #7 and #11, AfriCanadian Playwrights’ Festival, Summerworks, InspiraTo Festival and Ohio Northern University’s International Playwright’s Festival.
She’s a recipient of Summerworks’ Spotlight Award in 2010 for her performance in Even Darkness is Made of Light.
Edwige’s work focuses on political and social issues. She lives in Toronto with her husband Andrew.
Merlin Simard (she/they/iel/elle) is a performer, playwright, dramaturge, and filmmaker originally from Tiohtiá:ke (Montréal) now based in Tkarón:to (Toronto). Her practice focuses on themes of access, gender euphoria, technology, and multilingual performance. They co-founded and co-run, bigT, a theatre collective seeking to uplift intersectional trans* voices. As a performer, Merlin has worked with Stratford, Crow’s, Outside The March, Buddies In Bad Times, and many other theatre companies across Canada. She has also acted on Grand Army (Netflix) and This Life (CBC). They are developing several projects spanning across theatre and VR with the support of Theatre Passe Muraille (FEAR OF MEN), Théâtre Français de Toronto (ZADDY ISSUES), and Nightwood Theatre (a free britney) amongst others. @hussy4hussy
Attached is also a headshot!
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