Diaspora Dialogues Returns to Nuit Blanche

Diaspora Dialogues
August 12, 2016

Diaspora Dialogues Returns to Nuit Blanche

Due to the success of Women on the Wall at Nuit Blanche last year, Diaspora Dialogues is proud to officially announce we will be returning on Saturday, October 1 for 2016! This year will feature NY-based, Canadian artist Alex Sheriff will illuminate the Artscape at 401 Richmond Street with an ecological video installation depicting the necessity of treating all matter with the same respect and care we reserve for humans. Explore how the various people, infrastructure, animals and minerals within our city are equal and how this in the process creates one cohesive and livable organism in which we all thrive in.
Also, check out Alex’s official website and Tumblr for some fantastic art that will quench your appetite until Nuit Blanche and maybe even provide a sneak peek for what’s to come!
Diaspora Dialogues is thankful for its generous sponsors and donors: