Dripping with Paints and Puns

Dante Mottillo
July 29, 2013

Succulent Submissions: Horror Stories About Art School
Art breeds art. It’s only natural. So don’t be too surprised to hear that a new magazine, Art School Horror Stories is seeking submissions for their first volume. And, well, they’re looking for stories based on art school and art class. Fact or fiction, comedic or horrific; bring together any and all experiences you have. Reminisce about the adventure of staying up all night to finish painting an abstraction atop a clay tortoise shell. Narrate the embarrassment of doing your first ink-printing, and having no idea what your design is supposed to be. Write it from the viewpoint of the ink!
Deadline: October 31, 2013
Submission fee: $10 (US)
For more information: Click here.
Author’s Spotlight: The Importance of Being a Jester in the 21st Century
As the effervescence of these bright summer days cascade towards the end of July, it is only natural to desire the maintenance of the happy tune. Author Harrison Wheeler reads from his new book, Jesters Incognito, a fast-paced novel reflecting on a similarly speedy nation. As Wheeler discusses the imperative presence of creativity and mental health for teens and young adults, we see the need of a comedic tone in the modern stream of life—fictional or not.
When: August 15; from 6:00 pm—7:30 pm
Where: Kennedy/Eglinton TPL branch; Liberty Square Plaza, 2380 Eglinton Avenue East