Here in Brampton

Rebecca Fisseha
February 18, 2014

Here In Brampton is a quarterly online and print magazine currently in its first issue. It grew out of what publisher Robin J. Osbourne, who has fifteen years of marketing experience, saw to be the limited self-promotion opportunities available to Brampton businesses. She also noticed an information gap where residents—many who are new to the area—did not know what their city has to offer.
Given Brampton’s increasingly diverse demographic, Osbourne believes that a strategically-run business could do very well in Brampton. The magazine which she named with an effectively simple, catchy, and to-the-point title aims to bridge the gap between business and consumer. Here In Brampton also exists to make residents aware of cultural offerings which they might not have known were situated right there in Brampton, such as the Farmer’s Market and Wild Water Kingdom.
The magazine took two years from inception to first issue. Osbourne runs a core managing staff of three and a total staff of twenty two, including two interns, most of who are from Brampton. They are at work on a number of high-profile feature articles and interviews for upcoming issues. An anticipated increase in the magazine’s online and social media presence means that she’s always looking for more writers and bloggers from anywhere in the GTA.
Having celebrated its first highlight of getting out of the station, this little engine that could continues to get the word of its existence out to the Brampton community, and has solid hopes of attracting more Brampton business advertisers, increasing the visibility of these to residents, and generating more frequent issues in the coming years.