Journey into Unknown Territory

Amanda Nicholls
February 8, 2016

This is first time I am writing a play (outside of my youth work) so to get feedback, mentorship and to learn from those that write in the classical tradition is extremely valuable as they come in with a different set of eyes than my physical theatre/collective creation background. Having access to the wisdom of Jennifer Brewin, who has written in a collective creation format, is invaluable. Being a part of this program will stretch me in so many ways. #Growth2016
I had many pieces I wanted to work on and I chose to start with this one not because I was the most passionate about it but because if I wanted to write about this story—my family, my history I’d better get started before they all started to disappear. My grandpa already passed away and I didn’t truly get to know him until I decided to write this play. But once I started uncovering stories and truths—history, I couldn’t stop writing, the passion was ignited.
I went to Barbados to research and learned so much but so little. Working on my play Unknown Territory has increased my drive to have it become a toured production in the school board and social agencies.
Donald William Moore—How did I not know about him! (And the fact that I have a family connection to him but that’s a whole other thing) Somehow in Canada or at least in my Mississauga experience of hearing about “Black History” seems like very distant connection, there was no generational relationship. To me Canadian Black History feels like a “States slavery thing” and it didn’t happen here in good old Canada. So even hearing about the 2-3 token American Civil Rights leaders aka Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman in my teen life I didn’t feel a connection to these people or even know how deeply this history and these leaders affected me. I didn’t know there was Canadian Civil Rights Activist; Black Canadians had to fight for their freedom too?! But if I was taught about what happened in Canada and all the great Black Leaders that made change and progress for their people and this country I would have seen positive representations of Black people, Black Canadians; to know and learn about the strong Black leaders, the life changers, and the inventors! If I learned about this as teenager you better believe I would of have had more confidence, motivation, and drive. Not to say that I didn’t have that before but it would have stemmed from a different place, a positive place, not an “I am going to prove that I’m not that stereotypical Black person” place, But I’m going to strive to be like, to exceed Donald William Moore and carry on his Legacy. Imagine if I knew about Donald William Moore at 12 or 14 years old instead of learning about him at 28 or in that Caribbean Studies course in University—I might have had a different type of love for myself and my people at 14.