Amatoritsero Ede

Amatoritsero Ede was born in Nigeria. He is the publisher and Managing editor of the Maple Tree Literary Supplement, MTLS at He has been published internationally in journals and anthologies, including Voices from the Fringe: An ANA Anthology of New Nigerian Poetry (1987), The Faith of Vultures: BBC Prize-Winning Poetry (1988), May Ayim Award Anthology and Camouflage: Best of Contemporary Nigerian Writing (2004). He won the runner-up prize of the Association of Nigerian Authors’ (ANA) Poetry Competition in 1993, the 1998 ANA All Africa Christopher Okigbo Prize for Literature for Collected Poems: A Writer’s Pains & Caribbean Blues (1998); in 2004, the second prize in the first May Ayim Award: International Black German Literary Prize. Globetrotter & Hitler’s Children (New York: Akashic Books, 2009) is his second individual poetry collection. He was the 2005-2006 writer-in-residence under the auspices of PEN Canada’s Writers-in-Exile Network at Carleton University, where is now finishing a PhD in English.
Reviews of Globetrotter & Hitler’s Children
- George Elliott Clark interviews Amatoritsero Ede in Arc Poetry Magazine
- David Shook interviews Amatoritsero Ede in molossus
Amatoritsiro is a DD 2005 short form alum and worked with Guillermo Verdecchia