Pradeep Solanki
Pradeep Solanki is a product of four continents and has travelled to nearly thirty countries. And yet, the central journey of his life has been the discovery of the human soul. He spent six years of his life as a Hindu monk, studying and teaching The Upanishads and meditation. Since surviving a near-fatal heart attack in 2005, he has channelled his personal experiences, of both life and of death, into fiction writing. His steady dedication to his craft is being rewarded through publication in several literary magazines, being a finalist for the 2009 Writers Union of Canada Competition for Emerging Writers, and by winning the 2007 Wayson Choy Scholarship at the Humber School for Writers Summer Workshop. He is a co-editor at Descant magazine where he is regular contributor to the magazine’s blog. He is working to finish a collection of short fiction that explores the grey area bewteen life and death.