Robert Carr

Born in Bucharest, Romania, Robert Carr fled the Communist regime at the age of twenty-four. After relatively brief stays in France, where he was granted refugee status, and then Israel, he settled in Canada.
Robert Carr lives with his wife in Toronto. He has two adult children. Trained as an engineer, he worked in the aerospace field for many years.
He began writing fiction, almost by accident, in 1998-1999. In August 2007 Robert Carr retired in order to write full time.
His short story Lard and Oysters was included in an anthology volume, TOK. The anthology contained works of writers who, settled in Canada, had been born elsewhere. It came out in 2006, and was fully funded by Diaspora Dialogues.
Robert Carr has three published novels (all Mosaic Press): Continuums (2008), A Question of Return (2015), and Corby Falls (2021).
He is a member of the Writers Union of Canada.