Tasleem Thawar

Tasleem Thawar has lived and worked in Tokyo, Bombay, London, and Dar es Salaam. Her work has appeared in a number of anthologies and magazines, including Her Mother’s Ashes 3, Spacing Magazine, and Gothic Toronto: Writing the City Macabre. She completed graduate studies at the London School of Economics, and is a recent alumna of the Creative Writing Program at the Humber School for Writers. She writes from her flat in Toronto.
Publications and Links
- Thawar T. (2009). “The Price of a Secret.” In N. Aziz, Her Mother’s Ashes 3. Toronto: TSAR Publishing
- Thawar, T. (2009). “Her Hands.” In H. Walsh, Gothic Toronto: Writing the City Macabre (pp. 31-40) Toronto: Luminato.
- Thawar, T. (2007). “Packaging Parathas.” In H. Walsh, TOK: Book 2 (pp.89-101). Toronto: Zephyr Press.
- Various Book Reviews for Spacing Magazine
- “Welcoming back Toronto’s top talent,” Yonge Street Media
- “Why Not Theatre asks ‘why not Toronto?’,” Yonge Street Media
- “Tasleem Thawar’s Gothic Toronto literature” in the Ryerson Free Press