Save the Date: Steal This Idea!

Diaspora Dialogues
January 4, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012
Diaspora Dialogues and Literary Review of Canada in partnership with Toronto Public Library bring you a provocative event, Steal This Idea!
The event showcases a panel discussion with a few of Toronto’s key prominent figures. Panelists will present three bold ideas for civic change from other cities that could work well here in Toronto—each one a “world-class” idea worth stealing related to social justice, sustainability or culture.
Panelists include radio host and filmmaker Sook-Yin Lee; Dr. Rick Smith, author and Executive Director of Environmental Defence; and MP Olivia Chow. Royson James, Urban Affairs Columnist for the Toronto Star, will moderate the event; and President of Ryerson University, Sheldon Levy, will play the role of provocateur.
Please join us in this topical discussion and to continue this conversation further down the road. Register free to the event here.