The Re-Return

Dante Mottillo
May 22, 2012

Thought Exchange: William Shakespeare-Hamlet

It is a general rule of thumb that to be a good writer, you must be a good reader as well. Although the language of great writers like William Shakespeare is not being used as frequently as it once was, his style and creativity is forever relevant to the development of modern literature. Professor Alan Ackerman, of the Drama and English departments of the University of Toronto, will engage in the discussion of one of Shakespeare’s prolific plays, Hamlet. The complexities of the play and some of its inspirations will be discussed. And even if you don’t walk away forming prose like the Bard of Avon, you will better understand how to morph your own life experiences in writing.
When: June 6, 2012; from 6:30 pm-8:00 pm
Where: Beaches TPL Branch, Program Room; 2161 Queen Street East
Righteous Research: Why the War of 1812 Still Matters
Historical non-fiction is reaching a rise in modern literature, and you can be a part of it. Discover, or maybe re-discover, why such a structured piece of Canadian history is so important. Chief curator for the City of Toronto Museum Services, Wayne Reeves, will provide insight as to what the War of 1812 was exactly, and what its major implications were for Canada. By glimpsing the past, hopefully you will be able to gleam into a bright new piece of writing that reflects on these inquisitions.
When: June 12, 2012; from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
Where: Toronto Reference Library, Elizabeth Beeton Auditorium; 789 Yonge Street