The Tragic Square Dance

Wesley J. Colford
June 4, 2012

Helium rainbows, romantic drums, Buzz Lightyear going boldly to Sesame Street, Garage bands, trees, pink choo-choo-trains, Elton John fiddles a tea party of spring. But, alas, this vision falters. Teachers! Calling reprimands. Clapping beavers, Forcing constant repetitive skills. These random words, awkward turtles, In a flash are sent to West Mabou. But hark! This injustice is over! Students prove the teachers wrong by calling War! War! Fight the power! Ireland, Scotland, Canada— The drums! A screaming sentinel shrouds his comrades, A shifty servant of espionage. First brother horse sees the message: A round of simpletons approach. But this convoy is a mere distraction. Pianos, as Beethoven, filling outer space! The keys are fired and in a flash, An orchestra of lasers signifying pain. The rebels fire their sugar cubes; Gymnastics of the underworld, fragmented with pins. As this tragic square dance begins, The world of children is banished forever.