Bashful Starts, Supplements, and Secrets

Dante Mottillo
October 1, 2012
The Scoop! Tales of the Great Writer: Dangerous Work: The Young Arthur Conan Doyle’s Diary of Arctic Adventure
The brilliance of an author hardly stems from the words that they shed. Rather, I believe that a writer is truly brilliant when they are willing to take the path less travelled; it is when they venture to distant lands, creating stories that are vastly elusive to other artists. Before the famous tales of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle experienced such a journey as a ship’s surgeon on an Arctic whaler. During this time he kept a diary to record his epic voyage. Jon Lellenberg, a Doylean scholar and co-editor of Dangerous Work: The Diary of an Arctic Adventure, will be sharing with curious minds Doyle’s lost diary. I would expect avid fans of Doyle’s writing to attend, as you will be able to learn of both his real adventurous spirit.
When: October11, 2012; from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Where: Toronto Reference Library TPL branch: Elizabeth Beeton Auditorium; 231 Yonge Street
A Festival of Creativity: Young Voices Writers Conference
Do you consider yourself an artist? It doesn’t matter what your form is, but all of you creative teens looking for some new inspiration, or maybe just another peer critique of a pending piece should attend the upcoming Young Voices Writers Conference. Although a main favourite of writers, the upcoming conference is looking for creativity in both the written and visual field.
Wondering what will be waiting upon your arrival? Peter Stebbings, filmmaker, actor, and producer, will be the keynote speaker, and will hopefully inspire you to create something spectacular of your own in the two workshops to follow. Not to mention the free lunch and door prizes that will be the little icing on a great day in the making.
Also, if you have any piece that you want to present, bring it with you and you can read it for the Open Mic.
When: October13, 2012; from 9:30 am-4:00 pm
Where: North York Central Library: Auditorium; 5120 Yonge Street
Register: Register quickly! Space is limited! Call 416-395-5784, or follow the link
Writers Helping Writers: Going it Alone: Adventures in Self-Publishing
If you’ve ever speculated about getting your book published PLEASE ATTEND! A whole slew of authors (Cory Silverberg, Bill Freeman, Christine Cowley, and Vivek Shraya) will be discussing how to jumpstart your writing to the next level. They will also be notifying you of the tell-tale signs if self-publishing is right for you, and the possibility of what the future industries may be looking for. This is also an amazing chance to have any questions or concerns you may have answered by not one, not two, not three, but four fantastic authors!
When: October17, 2012; from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm
Where: Lillian H. Smith TPL branch; 239 College Street