Gleeful Groups and Warming Words

Diaspora Dialogues
October 15, 2012
Groovy Groups: The Joy of Writing
The artistic word has always been—and hopefully will always be—made for the enjoyment and discussion of the general public. Join every Tuesday for a warm and welcoming group of fellow writers, and join in the amusement that is the written word. Read from your own work and critique others. This group is targeted towards the young adult audience.
When: Every Tuesday; from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
Where: Queen/Saulter TPL branch: The Ralph Thornton Centre, Mezzanine Level; 765 Queen Street East
For more info: Call Lucille Barker (416) 392-6810
Personal Touches: Memoir Writing Group
Through my own growth in writing, I have learned that the most vital apparatus in a writer’s toolbox is his/her own life. Although creative non-fiction doesn’t appeal to everyone, it is quite difficult to string together the extraordinary if you cannot see the beauty of the extra special things in the most ordinary life. So come and practise with writing small or large excerpts from your life. Go deep into your memory and you will find a treasure trove of creativity. Now all you have to do is resuscitate it with an injection of fresh inky-blood.
Upcoming dates: October 22, October 29, November 5; from 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Where: Lillian H. Smith TPL branch; 239 College Street
Author’s Spotlight:The eh List Author Series: Jan Wong—Out of the Blue
Every journalist hopes to discuss the hard-pressed and motivational stories. Jan Wong, a well-known journalist, came to such a story before it came crashing down on her like a wave. Following writing about a school shooting, Ms. Wong was faced with the repercussion of violence and death threats, which pushed her into a tragic depression. Her book, Out of the Blue, expresses the troubles she faced and her rise back into an ever hopeful normality. Such a story makes a fine addition to the eh List series.
When: October 23, 2012; from 7:00 pm-8:15 pm
Where: Taylor Memorial TPL branch; 1440 Kingston Road