We’re excited to announce the launch of Spur, Canada’s first national festival of politics, art and ideas. The festival is designed to engage Canadians in a feisty, cross-country search for ways forward on pressing issues.
Our first year will include Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver with more editions rolling out in 2014. Each city’s edition is themed as follows:
Spur Toronto: The Bottom Line (April 11-14)—The intersection of cash, civics and culture
Spur Winnipeg: Unnatural Histories (April 26-28)—The past, present and future of our human-made world
Spur Vancouver: Global Power Play (June 17-19)—The rise, fall and reimagination of societies
Spur Toronto’s eclectic mix ranges from panel discussions with The New Yorker senior editor Hendrik Hertzberg on vested interests in politics to politically hot theatre with playwrights Hannah Moscovitch, Michael Healey and Guillermo Verdecchia; debates from political operatives Chima Nkemdirim, Jaime Watt and David Herle on electoral alchemy to breakfast with first-time author Ayelet Tsabari with her brilliant short fiction collection and Ins Choi’s (Kim’s Convenience) brand new theatrical walking piece. There will be discussions, town halls, readings, performances, walking tours and funky late-night music at the Pilot Tavern to tempt you—and much more.
Book early so you won’t miss out! Tickets can be purchased at spurfestival.ca. Festival passes get you in to all events, as well as a private reception.
A festival that spurs thought into action, we’re launching the RBC Emerging Scholars program and the Spur Public Fellow to capture the ideas generated through the festival, which will inform our programming over the upcoming year.
Please follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook to keep up-to-date on all things Spur.