Descriptive Inspiration

Dante Mottillo
November 26, 2012

Booktalking: Kristyn Dunnion—Write it Like You Mean it
The extraordinarily talented Kristyn Dunnion offers a unique writing workshop that connects an author reading to an entertaining set of writing exercises. For all of you that don’t know Kristyn, she has broadcasted her talent over time as a writer, musician and performance artist. Currently having published three novels and a short story collection, she has much to offer to any aspiring young writers. Don’t miss this triple-threat opportunity!!!
When: December 4, 2012; from 6:30 pm-8:00 pm
Where: Kennedy/Eglinton TPL branch; 2380 Eglinton Avenue East
Author’s Spotlight: Boneshaker Reading Series
Poetry is everywhere. It’s in the damp asphalt we walk on; in the glimmers of light we see through the decaying boughs of trees. It’s even within the subtle undertones of your most recent dialogue. More importantly though, poetry is making its way to the St. Clair/Silverthorn library.
Sonia Di Placido and Guy Ewing will be reading from their own works, to show you that poetry can truly be found in the grandest of things, or maybe the most seemingly insignificant of places.
When: December11; from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Where: St. Clair/ Silverthorn TPL branch; 1748 St. Clair Avenue West