Diaspora Dialogues Lauches New Project “It Begins with a Book”

October 21, 2021

Diaspora Dialogues is thrilled to announce a fresh and exciting project, It Begins with a Book, funded by Canada Council for the Arts.
As the world around us has gotten more intimate in the face of this unprecedented pandemic, DD seeks to spark travel of the imagination through the exploration of global fiction. We are currently holding a contest to choose one book of fiction (published originally in, or translated into, English within the past two years) from a contemporary writer in Africa, Asia or Australia. We invite you to submit your recommendation(s) along with a one-paragraph description of why that book would be important for Canadians to read. Deadline is December 20, 2021.
With the help of our community of diverse writers/artists, as well as with partners, arts organizations, and the general public, we’ll be requesting submissions of English language or translated work. People will be asked to submit their recommendation, and a one paragraph description of why that book would be important for Canadians to read.
The nominated books will be shared with a jury consisting of Reema Patel, Melanie Florence, and Derek Mascarenhas to consider and the final book chosen will serve as the foundation stone for a series of activities including the creation and presentation of new artistic works by Cheluchi Onyemelukwe-Onuobia, Thea Lim and Helen Knott, as well as musical composition by Lucas Haneman at a literary salon on March 31, 2022.
To submit a book for consideration, visit our submission form here.