Open Call for Kid Lit Submissions

October 30, 2022

About Us:
Diaspora Dialogues (DD) supports diverse writers turn their craft into a career through mentorship, professional development and opportunities to publish and present their work. Our focus is on the development of both artist and audience, and on working toward redefining the “mainstream” in the arts sector, ensuring it is as diverse as the country itself. Further information:
Mentorship Program:
Diaspora Dialogues invites picture book submissions from emerging writers for ages 3-7 and 4-8 between 500-1000 words in length.
Selected writers will receive feedback from a writer-in-residence at Diaspora Dialogues, over the course of a month, and will be invited to attend professional development workshops throughout the year.
The writer-in-residence will address issues of story, character, structure, pace, writing style, structure and substantive aspects of the work. No copy or line editing will be provided until the time of publication.
- The work must be original and not previously published or produced.
- Submissions must be in English.
- Submissions must be between 500-1000 words.
- Submissions must include a one-page description.
- Submissions must include a short biography in paragraph form (no more than 250 words).
- Each writer may submit only one piece.
- A completed submission form must be included. Submissions will be accepted by email.
- Commentary/feedback is not available on submissions.
- Writers must not have a previously published full-length manuscript, although appearances in magazines and/or anthologies are acceptable.
- Any writer of any age can apply.
Deadline: November 30 2022 at 11:59 pm.
Please read all of the guidelines carefully before submitting. If you have questions, email:
Find out more info on the program here: