Red Snow Post-show Q&A
Diaspora Dialogues
January 9, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Theatre Passe Muraille, 16 Ryerson Avenue
Diana Tso’s Red Snow is a new Canadian play, inspired by survivors of the forgotten holocaust of WWII. The story raises a collective voice through culture, history and memory. A woman’s recurring nightmare of a Chinese opera drives her to search for her family’s silenced story. When she falls in love with a man connected to the same history they must struggle to reconcile the past with the present. Running from January 12th-28th at Theatre Passe Muraille (16 Ryerson Ave). On January 19th, Diaspora Dialogues will host a post-show Q&A with playwright Diana Tso, director Beatrice Pizano, and dramaturge Ric Knowles about the development of the play Red Snow. Purchase your Red Snow tickets here.