Why is forgiveness so hard to give? When without forgiveness we could not live. I guess for us, to set pride aside Is as hard as swimming against the tide But without forgiveness, the Devil wins For that is one step headed toward sin Even if the sin against us was wrong OUR sins, that are forgiven, go on and on. We are taught, two wrongs don’t make a right So against our own anger, we must fight Seek God, talk to Him, praise Him for it all And then, this anger, from you, He will withdraw. For to think hate, and feel hate, we are just as bad, And with these sins, we really make God sad Think of those who you have hurt or have done wrong, Remember their forgiveness and sing a new song For to have God’s love and His forgiveness, That alone should bring us bliss When you feel the pain of the sin Think of the cross, and the pain Jesus was in Remember the debt that was paid for you And to your fellow man, offer forgiveness too.
Laureen Sayeg
Multicultural! It has been said that my community is made up of only one type of people, But in fact, many different types of people live in my area. This is what makes my community multicultural! It has also been said that because of this, a lot of bad action goes around, False, bad action goes around everywhere, because in every race, religion, and culture, there are good and bad people. This just goes to say how multicultural my community truly is. Mostly everyone in my community knows each other, We are welcoming and loving to all. Malvern! A place that is multicultural, welcoming, and loving. A place that I can call my home!