The Tailored Torontonian

Dante Mottillo
March 26, 2012

Workshop: Writing Toronto: Creating a Powerful, Believable Sense of Place in Your Stories
Location, location, location. No matter how well a writer creates a character, an ill-fitted setting will ruin the story. Author Elizabeth Ruth will help you capture your own perception of Toronto in writing. She will give her own exercises and hints about how to create realistic scenery, a feat that many young writers should work to accomplish.
When: April 12, 2012; from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Where: North York Central Library TPL branch; 5120Yonge Street
Registration: FREE! Call 416-395-5639
Read it Write: Keep Toronto Reading: Allan Rose
Poet Allen Rose reads from his latest and upcoming book Songs of My City, a collection of poems all about Toronto. Another workshop in the Keep Toronto Reading series, this is a great opportunity to just hear other interpretations of your favourite city and twist your pen towards the city’s bustling streets.
When: April 17, 2012; from 2:00 pm-3:00 pm
Where: Jane/Sheppard TPL Branch; 1906 Sheppard Avenue West
Registration: FREE! Call 416-395-5966
Calling All Writers: Teen Poetry Writing Workshop
A poet’s muse is both inspiring and lively. So bring it with you to another great poetry workshop, this time hosted by Kirk Davis. A poetry instructor with the Toronto Public Library, Kirk is a member of the Authors of Soul Writer’s Group, and will inspire you into some original poetry writing. You are guaranteed to a fun and interactive session, for ages 12-17.
When: April 18, 2012; from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
Where: Eglinton South TPL branch, Meeting Room; 1 Eglinton Square
Registration: Required, but FREE! Call 416-396-8920
*All library programming is pending the resolution of the current labour disruption