Archived Event: Becoming an Author Entrepreneur

August 1, 2022

Join us on August 12 at 6:30 p.m. EST for an informative workshop with author-entrepreneur Yolanda T. Marshall on the business of writing and building your author business. Yolanda, who is both self-published and traditional published, will discuss her writing journey, along with with the things she’s learned over 14 years in the business of writing and publishing books.
Register for the workshop HERE.
About the Presenter
Yolanda T. Marshall is a Guyanese-born Canadian author. She ventured into the world of publishing in 2008. In 2015, after becoming a mom, Yolanda was inspired to write her first children’s book, Keman’s First Carnival. Yolanda is also the author of C is for Carnival, A Piece of Black Cake for Santa, Sweet Sorrel Stand, Miles Away In The Caribbean, My Soca Birthday Party: with Jollof Rice and Steel Pans and Hot Cross Buns For Everyone. Her picture books are all about celebrations, inclusion and recipes! A world traveller, a jazz lover and a devoted mother, she embodies art and takes her readers on adventurous, cultured journeys. Yolanda lives in Toronto, Canada with her family.
View the full event replay below: