Young Writers from the Edge Showcase

Diaspora Dialogues
March 12, 2012

A new crop of gifted young writers will be presenting their work at a Young Writers from the Edge Showcase. High school students from three different Toronto regions who participated in DD’s Young Writers from the Edge program worked with professional writer-mentors to develop their writing skills in different forms, including fiction, drama, and poetry/spoken word. Based on the work developed through these workshops, the youth will present their pieces alongside their mentors at a celebratory reading event.
Young Writers from the Edge Showcase—South Etobicoke—High Park
When: Monday, March 26, 2012; 6 pm
Where: The Assembly Hall; 1 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive
Young Writers from the Edge Showcase—Jamestown
When: Wednesday, March 28, 2012; 6 pm
Where: Kipling CI (held in the library); 380 The Westway
Young Writers from the Edge Showcase—Danforth Crescent Town
When: Friday, March 30, 2012; 6 pm
Where: Danforth CI (held in the library); 800 Greenwood Avenue
In partnership with Toronto Cultural Services, the Assembly Hall, Lakeshore Arts, and Toronto Public Library.