Open Call for 2019 National Short Form Mentoring Program

Diaspora Dialogues
April 3, 2019

Diaspora Dialogues invites submissions from emerging writers of short stories or creative nonfiction less than 3,000 words in length; or up to 5 poems, with each poem being no more than 75 lines. (See below for definition of “emerging.”) Applicants are welcome to enter more than one category, but no more than one submission per category, please.
Through an adjudicated process, selected writers will receive feedback from a rotating writer-in-residence at Diaspora Dialogues, over the course of a month.
Once completed, pieces can be submitted for consideration to TOK, a new digital magazine that has been soft launched earlier this year and will be officially launched in June.
The writer-in-residence will address issues of story, character, structure, pace, writing style, structure and substantive aspects of the work. No copy or line editing will be provided until the time of publication (for those ultimately featured in TOK).
Deadline: May 1 2019
Submissions must be received via email by this date to: