I am disappointed . . . Because if we just taught kids to be themselves and original Then juveniles and prison cells would not be visible We all want to fit in, and be appreciated the most But the worst thing that we can hear is somebody saying . . . .. NO! No you are not popular, no you are not cool And no you will not become anything even if you finish school Why are we classified by our image or race, if we were made from the same clay? We were born respect and unite with each other, and not to disobey We are all the same, because at the end of the day We all will end up in the grave My sisters wake up, and take off that make up You don’t need that cover up, you need to cover up Don’t worry about fixing up your hair and cuticles And looking like a toothpick is not really beautiful Be original and be yourself I pity the “cool crowd” because their personalities just need help Treat everybody the same and treat everybody equal And do not project your insecurities on other people Be strong and do not lose hope either way Because if the world pushes you to your knees, you are in the best position to pray